Conference Papers Year : 2017

Range-only target motion analysis: Observability when the observer maneuvers moothly


this paper is the companion-paper of another paper presented in FUSION'17 concerning bearings-only target motion analysis (BOTMA). In this one, bearing data are replaced by range data: we study observability in range-only target motion analysis (ROTMA). When the observer is in constant turn motion, the target's trajectory is observable, as in BOTMA. If the observer is in constant acceleration motion, necessary and sufficient conditions of observability in ROTMA are proven to be not the same than in BOTMA, although the equality of the ranks of the respective Fisher information matrices. As in BOTMA, the rendezvous routes of the observer and the target play a crucial role. When the system is not observable, ghost-targets (the ones at the same range than the true target) are identified.
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hal-03661046 , version 1 (06-05-2022)



Annie-Claude Perez, Claude Jauffret, Denis Pillon. Range-only target motion analysis: Observability when the observer maneuvers moothly. 20th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion) 2017, Jul 2017, Xi'an, France. pp.1-8, ⟨10.23919/ICIF.2017.8009825⟩. ⟨hal-03661046⟩
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